Tag Archives: pain

A broken spirit

3 Jul

Nobody would know the blood, sweat, and tears she went through almost everyday.

She kept pushing forward, desperately needing her breakthrough.

Forward was all she could go. Nowhere to run. Nobody to turn to.

She sat on her knees and cried, a mournful soul filled weep.

She lifted her hands to the sky and poured her heart out to her redeemer.

She waits. The only thing she hears is to keep moving forward.

It will be over soon.



I must save myself.

5 Jun

Barely hanging on.

Doing everything I can to smile.

How many people really know the pain I’m in right now?

I hide it well when I want.

Pushing forward. Waiting for a breakthrough.

Just breathe. Slowly. In and out.

Moment by moment.

This time I have to save myself.


4 Jun

Many things cause us pain…but it seems that it’s the people we care about the most, that hurt us in the worst ways possible. I went from a constant pain…to a numbness…and now emptiness and apathy. If I focus on the now and just getting by a few minutes at a time, then it’s not so bad. I know “This too shall pass.” It was kinda ironic that I wrote about that yesterday because it was shortly after that pain re entered my own life. I have great friends and family that love me and are reminding me to keep my chin up. 🙂